Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Asian Inspired Chicken Noodle Soup

With the cooler weather, I've been on the look out for new soup ideas.  I was flipping through some of my cookbooks and came across this recipe. It's an Asian spin on the classic chicken noodle soup. The use of snow peas, mini corn, five-spice and ginger really kick this classic up to a whole new level.  This is a really quick dish, but it does involve some multitasking.  Read through the steps in advance so you know what your getting yourself into.  It's not complicated by any means but it certainly requires the ability to do two things at once.  As you read through this recipe, you will notice that it doesn't involve a lot of exact measurements.  You can free-style it, and add more of something you love. This recipe is more of a guideline and you can make it your own by substituting other ingredients.

What kind of other veggies do you think might go great in this soup?  Please comment and let me know!!  I'd love to switch things up next time.

Asian Inspired Chicken Noodle Soup
2 Servings

1 tbsp mixed seeds (pumpkin, sesame, poppy, sunflower)  *I just used sunflower and sesame
A small handful of raw cashew nuts
1 quart chicken broth
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 tsp five-spice powder
sea salt and pepper
olive oil
thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger root
1 clove garlic
1/2 fresh red or green chili, to your taste
2-4 ounces vermicelli  *I used 2 ounces (4 ounces was too much for me)
a handful of snow peas
1/2 can baby corn
10 spears of asparagus
2 tbsp soy sauce
a small handful of spinach leaves
green onions (just the greens) chopped


Put a medium frying pan over high heat and add the seeds and cashews while it's heating up.  Toss the seeds and nuts around until heated through nicely.  This may take a few minutes.  

Meanwhile; Put a large saucepan on high heat.  Fill the saucepan with chicken broth and heat until very hot and put a lid on it.

Slice the chicken into strips or cubes, whichever you prefer and put them into a bowl.  Sprinkle the chicken with five-spice, a good pinch of salt and pepper and mix until well coated.

Seeds should be heated by this point.  Transfer to a plate.  Put the empty pan back on the heat and add olive oil.  Place chicken in pan and cook until golden, tossing and turning occasionally.

While the chicken is cooking; grate the ginger root, finely chop the garlic and slice the chili.  

Take the lid off the saucepan with the broth and add the ginger, garlic, chili, snow peas, asparagus, corn, soy cause and vermicelli.  By the time the noodles are done, the chicken should be cooked.

To serve, divide spinach between your bowls and pour the broth, veggies and noodles into the bowl.  Divide the chicken pieces and place in the bowl.  Scatter with the toasted seeds, cashews and green onions.

Recipe adapted from Jamie's Food Revolution



  1. What I love about this soup is that you can identify most of the ingredients by just looking at it. It is already feeding the eyes before you even taste it. It looks great.
    I am following you now and would love for you to follow back.

  2. Found your blog through the blog hop - will definitely be pooping back in to check on your recipes. I have 3 hungry children so fresh ideas are always very welcome! Thank you - am following now. Xx

  3. Wow! Your soup looks wonderful! Thank you so much for following The Freshman Cook!!! I a new follower of yours now, and I am loving your blog. Looking forward to reading more!

  4. Newest follower here! I found you through the tuesday link up. Super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. I love your pictures.

  5. Great that you linked in, thanks. have a good one

  6. Hi there! I'm Dana and I am the author at This Silly Girl's Life blog, I have nominated you for The Illuminating Blogger Award! I have really enjoyed reading your content and I think you deserve this award. You can go to foodstoriesblog.com/illuminating-blogger-award/ to check out more about the award and how to accept it if you would like to. I hope you have a great day and Congrats!
